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In-Vehicle Network protection 至尊国际·(中国)至尊服务,至尊享受:intelligent seat lamp system 至尊国际·(中国)至尊服务,至尊享受:tachograph
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Great news! Prisemi Shanghai laboratory has added a Celestron TLP (Transmission Line Contact Wave Generator), which can provide the best solution for customer electrostatic protection design.
Improving anti-static ability has become an indispensable part of the quality requirements of modern semiconductor components, especially in the development process of advanced technology, where there are extremely high technical barriers that need to be overcome. Celestron TLP (Transmission List Pulse Contact Wave Generator) is a detailed testing and analysis of the current/voltage characteristics and curves of anti-static protection lines for semiconductor components, in order to timely correct, improve, or establish relevant data bases. This provides the best solution in the design of anti-static protection for semiconductor components.
This instrument uses a highly precise 50 ohm high-frequency and high-voltage transmission line as the charging medium, and simulates the actual human electrostatic discharge mode with square waves to test the anti-static protection circuit of semiconductor components. Reuse oscilloscopes and software to accurately capture voltage/current waveforms for analysis, so that semiconductor component designers can confirm that their designed semiconductor components have guaranteed anti-static capabilities, or have detailed directions and prompts for quality improvement.